Featured Quote

In 1913, Henry Ford wrote the following as the directors had been reaping the rewards of profits - "The wages we pay are too small in comparison with our profits. I think we should raise our minimum pay rate".

Sunday, October 30, 2011

i26 Targets IVF

I was looking over the wording and came to a realization.  i26 Targets In Vitro Fertilization.

Bear with me here. Terminology is important.

How Conception Works :

The First step is getting the egg fertilized by the sperm.  This happens quite a lot.  It takes two to four days from the moment of fertilization for the egg to get around to implanting into the uterus. Up to 90% of fertilized eggs don't make it this far.  So, in an i26 world, more than half of all "persons" die a natural death before their mother is even pregnant.(source, source)
How many fertilized eggs complete the task of implantation?
A) 85 – 95% B) 60 – 70% C) 30 – 40% D) 10 – 20%
Test your Knowledge!

The Next step is implantation.
Approximately one week after fertilization, the blastocyst embeds itself in the thickened wall of the uterus, a process called implantation, and pregnancy is established.(source)
So, why label a 'person' well before pregnancy occurs?  The only explanation is to be able to target IVF, Birth Control pills, Emergency Contraception and other Family Planning methods.

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