Featured Quote

In 1913, Henry Ford wrote the following as the directors had been reaping the rewards of profits - "The wages we pay are too small in comparison with our profits. I think we should raise our minimum pay rate".

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Remember when I said...

That the Republican plan for Jobs, to decrease unemployment, is to Fire people.  Some laughed because it was funny and seemed completely illogical and wrong-headed.  I wasn't laughing - because that IS their plan.  At a time when we have soaring unemployment - their plan is to, literally, Fire People.  At a time when we have a wages that are too low to support our economy, their plan is to Lower Wages on those who can least afford it, while protecting the "high-income" earners' salaries and offering THEM tax cuts.

Read - http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/08/16/296220/with-government-job-losses-holding-back-recovery-romney-promises-to-slash-even-more/

If that is not enough, http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/08/14/295506/pushing-low-corporate-taxes-bachmann-rejects-extending-jobless-benefits-because-we-dont-have-the-money/

We don't have enough money to pay teachers well or extend unemployment benefits, but apparently we have more than enough and can refuse due income.

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